Wednesday, February 11, 2009

More videos

YouTube - bionicturtledotcom's Channel

Sometimes I am torn as to where to put material; should I post it to the main FinanceProfessorblog or to my FinanceClass blog (which is really just aimed at my own students). I had originally intended to use these only for the latter, but a recent comment about using videos being fun cued me to make it available to everyone. So if you are in my class I apologize for the cross posting.

From FinanceClass Blog:
"...people learn in different ways and maybe this is your way. Additionally some of them (especially the material from Bionic Turtle is flat out excellent) are very good.

Enjoy and have fun with them!

YouTube - savingandinvesting's Channel

And a little more technical lessons from Bionic Turtle.

The stuff from BionicTurtle is HIGHLY recommended. I just spent probably an hour just watching them myself. And while some or the "art" of finance is missing in that you still need to see the big picture etc (whole idea of not just using a model blindly), the material is really good!!

1 comment:

David Harper said...

Thanks for recommending my youtube channel! I've been reading your great blog for a while, so I was really happy to see this....David Harper,