BTW I will fix the links and make it look better later....getting something online better than zero...
Tweets of the Week!
Lots of good ones this week. Take a look at some. Not in any real order.
researchpuzzler RT @BrightScope: Steven Covey would be proud: The 7 habits of highly suspicious hedge funds.
researchpuzzler investment news on twitter and compliance issues for investment professionals $$
mashableFacebook Sets the Stage for IPO With New CFO -
Columbia_BizMore on the business-nonprofit nexus from Prof. Horton in Ideas at Work -
planetmoneyWhen boring = great, John Lorinc profiles the head of Canada's central bank, via @freakonomics /mk
planetmoney New podcast up now: how pension funds bankroll private equity with WNYC's Lisa Chow. /jg
planetmoney Got a ton of student loan debt? You could soon be in luck /mk
planetmoney Madoff's sentence: one day in prison for every $1.2 million of fraud in the $65 billion scheme /mk
“Too Big To Fail” Reining In Large Financial Firms: This paper provides a well balanced perspective ..
What The Bailout Is Really Costing Us: In case you’re wondering the image is adjusted for inflation. Click..
SimoleonSense The Effects of Framing, Reflection, Probability, and Payoff on Risk Preference in Choice Tasks: My favorite part..
HarvardBiz How to Tie Equity Pay to Long-Term Performance
clusterstock Obama: Tear Down These Highways!
WallStSource China's Bid to Stir Its Economy Draws Cries of Protectionism
WestPan The creators of Deloitte's Shift Index warn that the boom/bust cycles of the last few decades R ma...
WallStSource Fed hints it may turn off liquidity tap
BreakingNews AP: Bernanke says he didn't pressure Bank of America to buy Merrill, or keep financial woes quiet.
nytimes Bernanke Defends His Role in Merrill Sale
mises What Changes and What Does Not: "Why, you'd take us back to the horse and buggy." The basic fallacy of this all-..
Freakonomics: 79 Years Ago, Today: A new blog, News from 1930, summarizes the news that appeared in The Wall Street Journal ea..
NellMinow launch today at 11 EST. Press conf call-in 800 860-2442 Survey results on investor confidence and robust new database.
FinanceDarkSideAs retirement will be funded mostly by discretionary personal savings, should we not teach basic finance in all high schools?
jack_welch Barney Frank at it again..asks FNMA Fred M to lower lending standards for condo buyers...Guy is unbelievable and does it with straight face
Less finance related but still important
mashable Reading: "100 Tips, Tools, and Resources for Twitter Research" -
WOW time flies BreakingNews Ten years ago, the world watched the daring South Pole winter rescue of Dr. Jerri Nielsen FitzGerald. Today, she died at 57, AP reports.
octavianasr CNN"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one getting burned." Buddha
tonyrobbins "Don't look for heroes; be one!" -Tony Robbins
On average, every 5 mph over 60mi/h that you drive is same as paying another $0.24/gal for gas.
BonaResponds local service day July 11th. (2 WEEKS!) Can you make it? 10-4:00. Working with RebuildingTogether on three homes in Olean