Tuesday, March 14, 2006

I'm back!

Hi everyone, I'm back. The service trip (with about 288 people to MS and Louisiana) went very well. Much good work got done, but wow is there a long long ways to go. The destruction, even after 6 months, is beyond belief.

For more on our trip check out:

1. Our main hurricane relief page
2. Our blog--which used to be my randomtopics2 blog. At some point it will revert to it, but not yet.
3. Our yahoo group

When I was gone, I noticed this news item:

The Net's New Age: "In a small deal that signals big changes on the Internet, Google announced Mar. 9 that it has acquired a Silicon Valley sensation called Writely."

As you may remember I have been touting Writely for a while and it proved useful in trip planning. Now there needs to be a better online spreadsheet for sharing. (If anyone knows of a good one, please let me know.)

anyways, I really just wanted to let you know that you expect more regular finance postings again :)

thanks for the patience.


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