Thursday, April 06, 2006 - U.S. teenagers lack financial literacy - U.S. teenagers lack financial literacy:
"U.S. teenagers are making little headway when it comes to financial literacy, a survey out Wednesday shows.

High school seniors on average answered 52.4% of a 30-question financial survey correctly. That was up from 52.3% when the survey was last conducted two years ago but down from 57% in 1997, the first year for the survey, according to the Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy.
'Financial literacy is still a very significant problem. It doesn't seem to be getting any better,' says Lewis Mandell, a professor at SUNY Buffalo School of Management who oversaw the survey, which was conducted in December and January. It includes topics such as investing and managing personal finances."
BTW they have sample questions on the left side of the article.

Mmm, we should be able to help solve this. What do you think? Maybe start volunteering once a month at local High Schools? Sounds like a GREAT service opportunity for finance clubs!


Anonymous said...

I run a seminar and lecture series on Business Topics. I "teach" this subject on money now as a foundation course because I have found that most people, not only high school kids have the same problems. There are 2 things that our parents never taught us. (1) sex (2) money.
A recent survey by a leading newspaper in the UK concluded that about the half of the adult poulation suffer acute money problems.
There is certainly a need to be educated.

mjh said...

My son is interested in starting a Finance Club at his high school. Can anyone recommend a good resource for getting started? Thanks, MJ

mjh said...

My son is in high school and would like to start a Finance Club. Can anyone point us to a good resource for a "How to" on starting a club of this kind? Thanks! MHenry