Thursday, April 10, 2008

SSRN-Investor Inattention and the Underreaction to Stock Recommendations by Roger Loh

Talk about a fascinating article! Short version: event studies for stocks that are forgotten and out of the limelight show that the information content of a stock recommendation takes longer to "get in the price".

SSRN-Investor Inattention and the Underreaction to Stock Recommendations by Roger Loh:
"recommendation drift of firms with low prior turnover is more than double in magnitude compared to that of firms with high prior turnover. Additional proxies for attention, such as analyst coverage, institutional ownership, the amount of distracting news in a day, or a measure of residual turnover that controls for liquidity and uncertainty, produce similar results. Volume reactions around the recommendation event show that investors fail to react promptly to recommendations on low attention stocks. Together, the evidence suggests that investor inattention is a plausible explanation for investors' underreaction to stock recommendations."

Good stuff! Definitely recommend reading.

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