Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Fed Trifecta for University of Chicago Students - Real Time Economics - WSJ

I confess Money and Banking was not my favorite course (to take or to teach--have not taught in in the new post crisis world), but I sure would like to sit in on this one:

Fed Trifecta for University of Chicago Students - Real Time Economics - WSJ:
"The course will be taught by Randall Kroszner, who stepped down in January as a Fed governor. Their textbook will be one authored by Frederic Mishkin, the Columbia University business school professor who also was a Fed governor (alongside Kroszner) until last August. And as an added bonus, the teaching assistant for the course will be named Plosser. Not the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia president, Charles Plosser. But his son Matthew, a doctoral student in economics at the University of Chicago."

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