Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Gains to Merging Firms and Their Rivals: Evidence from Canada by Jean-Yves Filbien, Maher Kooli :: SSRN

Gains to Merging Firms and Their Rivals: Evidence from Canada by Jean-Yves Filbien, Maher Kooli :: SSRN:

Filbien and Kooli find (not surprisingly) that takeovers are bad for the pother firms in the industry.
"We examine the wealth creation for acquiring and target firms' shareholders to Canadian merger and acquisition announcements. We also investigate the potential determinants of the stock market reactions. Further, we explore the impact of these announcements on the gains of the target firms' rivals. Takeovers are beneficial to the shareholders of merging firms. However, we show that Canadian rival firms lose abnormal returns"

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