Tuesday, June 21, 2005

The Risk Return Tradeoff in the Long-Run: 1836-2003 by Christian Lundblad

SSRN-The Risk Return Tradeoff in the Long-Run: 1836-2003 by Christian Lundblad

Lundblad looks at US stock data from 1836 and finds sure enough that risk and return are related. SHOCK!

Key quote:
"I obtain a positive and significant relationship between the expected market return and conditional market volatility regardless of how the model is specified."

Whew. Risk and return are related. Not that I ever really doubted it, but sometimes in a weak moment and when papers suggest that there is only weak evidence of a relationship, some of you doubt it. Well doubt no more! lol...While I make fun of the expected finding, it is important to verify and the history on the data set (see section 3) alone makes it worthwhile to read! I should warn you, it is not the historian's standard fare, but rather quite mathematical.

Lundblad, Christian T., "The Risk Return Tradeoff in the Long-Run: 1836-2003" (October 2004). http://ssrn.com/abstract=671324

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