Friday, June 24, 2005

SSRN-Reconciling Efficient Markets with Behavioral Finance: The Adaptive Markets Hypothesis by Andrew Lo

I will write more about this one later. But I just found it and it is a definite keeper!

SSRN-Reconciling Efficient Markets with Behavioral Finance: The Adaptive Markets Hypothesis by Andrew Lo

Super short version from abstract:

"The battle between proponents of the Efficient Markets Hypothesis and champions of behavioral finance has never been more pitched, and there is little consensus as to which side is winning or what the implications are for investment management and consulting. In this article, I review the case for and against the Efficient Markets Hypothesis, and describe a new framework - the Adaptive Markets Hypothesis - in which the traditional models of modern financial economics can co-exist alongside behavioral models in an intellectually consistent manner. Based on evolutionary principles, the Adaptive Markets Hypothesis implies that the degree of market efficiency is related to environmental factors characterizing market ecology such as the number of competitors in the market, the magnitude of profit opportunities available, and the adaptability of the market participants."

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