Monday, July 13, 2009

John Bogle on - The Culture that Spawned the Crisis: A Closer Look - The Culture that Spawned the Crisis: A Closer Look: "The Culture that Spawned the Crisis: A Closer Look"

Bogle is a great presenter and this definitely does not disappoint. VERY good. It will definitely be used for classes dealing with governance and even financial institutions.

The Bogle piece that I used here is part of a longer (1:27) presentation on the crisis. The entire thing is worth the effort, but I am biased and liked Bogle's the best. Why biased? Possibly because one of the best presentations I have ever seen was by John Bogle in Rochester a few years ago. The ideas he railed against then (agency costs and transaction while calling for better transparency and governance), really were driving forces behind the current problems.

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