Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Does the Incentive Effect of the Charitable Deduction Vary Across Charities? by Robert Yetman, Michelle Yetman

SSRN-Does the Incentive Effect of the Charitable Deduction Vary Across Charities? by Robert Yetman, Michelle Yetman:
"We find significant differences in the response of donations to taxes across different types of charities. Donations to charities that provide basic goods and services to humans in need appear to be unresponsive to tax incentives, while donations to charities that appeal to higher human needs, animals, and the environment are very sensitive to tax incentives. These results suggest that changes to tax laws that affect the price of giving would likely lead to a reallocation of relative donations across different types of charities."

Not sure where BonaResponds falls. I guess we would get more relative to others BUT we do help accross the board.

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